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News review

Latest news 1/2022

Latest news about Ukrainian Startups and Clusters for 1/2022

This month we compiled a list of events useful to Ukrainian startups and investors and identified 2022 trends in investments in Ukrainian startups. We also met with Carbominer – a Ukrainian startup that developed a unique technology for extracting carbon dioxide directly from the air.

News Clusters 11/2021

Latest news about Ukrainian clusters for 11/2021

This month we met with the founder of the IT cluster of Luhansk region Reactor, Nusrat Nuriev, and learned how a programmer from Baku managed to create an IT cluster in Lysychansk and the development of IT clusters in eastern Ukraine.

News Eng 9:2021

Latest news about Ukrainian startups for 09/2021

This month, learn about a new study of Ukrainian startups with global ambitions Ukraine as Number One (UNO), new startup investments, events, interviews with founders as well as new releases from Ukrainian startups.

cover news

June startup news

This month our team met with promising startups Ademrius and A.D.A.M. In addition, we compiled a list of Top 30 Ukrainian Pre-Seed and Seed startups and a list of Top Ukrainian IT clusters.