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Latest news about Ukrainian startups for 12/2021

Startup news

This month we met with several startups such as Pavooq, GIOS, Time for Machine, FlyAgData, Calmerry,, ActiveChat and analyzed the trends of the Ukrainian coworking scene.


  • Ucluster’s new Telegram channel informs readers about the latest developments in the Ukrainian IT and startup ecosystems and trends in venture capital. – visit Telegram


  • The full list of 180 Ukrainian Startup Fund’s DemoDays winners for 2021. – read
  • Ukrainian Private Equity & Venture Capital Summit presented the Alley of Startups. – read
  • What happened in the Ukrainian tech market in December 2021. Digest. – read
  • 10 interesting CEE startups from the AgriTech and FoodTech verticals worthy of your attention. – read
  •  Analysis of  Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk IT markets. – read
  • Five Ukrainian entrepreneurs and investment banks are launching a new VC fund (Green Sustainable Fund One). – read
  • Fundraising life hack: how to get the email addresses for 72% of VC investors. – read post
  • Awesomic, an Ukrainian design search platform, raised a $2 million round from Y Combinator, Flyer One Ventures, SID Venture Partners, 10x Value Partners, and Pretiosum. – read
  • Ukrainian Investors Book 2021 with a list of startup investors was published by the Ukrainian VC Association (UVCA) and supported by the USAID CEP program and the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. – read
  • Pinterest acquired VOCHI Video Effects. – read post
  • Ukrainian startup Electronic KYC was recognized as the best Fintech startup in Ukraine – read post
  • One Ukrainian among the 19 nominees at the WomenTech Network Special Recognition: Women in ICT Awards 2021 – Iryna Savytska CEO & Co-founder of the Bank of Memories. – read
  • Ukrainian startup Pibox raised $400,000 from Canadian investors. – read