Интернет ресурсы по теме Кластеров.
Сайты Украинских Кластеров
Хмельницька обласна громадська організація Асоціація “Поділля Перший” була зареєстрована як громадська організація в липні 1998 року. Асоціація відіграє провідну роль в регіональному розвитку України шляхом впровадження кластерної моделі розвитку. З 1999 року, на базі Асоціації створений та постійно працює Центр Соціальних-Економічних Досліджень Подільського регіону. З 2005 року одним із стратегічних пріоритетів діяльності Асоціації є просування ідеї європейської інтеграцій. За період своєї діяльності, з 1998 по 2006 рік, Асоціація спрямувала на соціально-економічні проекти в Хмельницькій області орієнтовно 1 000 тис.грн.
Кластер народних художніх промислів “Сузір’я”
Задля прискорення зростання рівня розвитку малого підприємництва в Івано-Франківській області, скорочення безробіття, створення нових товарів та послуг започатковано впровадження кластерних моделей Прикарпатським науково-аналітичним центром розроблено програму кластерної моделі “Ліжникарство та інші народні художні промисли на Прикарпатті”. В рамках цієї програми 16 лютого 2004 року було зареєстровано Кластер народних художніх промислів “Сузір’я”.
Национальные Кластерные Порталы
Industrial Cluster Project
METI has been promoting the Industrial Cluster Project since 2001, which aims to form industrial clusters for bringing about a stream of innovation and venture companies in regions. Presently, 18 projects nationwide, with the joint cooperation of regional Bureaus of Economy, Trade, and Industry and promotion organizations of the private sector, are building close cooperative relations with about 10,700 regional SMEs taking on the challenge of new businesses and researchers etc. and more than 290 universities (including industrial colleges).
METI has allocated 12.8 billion yen as the budget related to these activities in FY2008.
Саудовская Аравия
Saudi Arabia National Industrial Cluster Development Program
T he mission of the Saudi Clusters Program is to grow and diversify the Saudi Arabian economy by developing targeted industrial clusters that leverage the Kingdom’s resources.
Clusters have been selected in areas where the Saudi Arabian fundamentals of abundant, competitive energy and raw materials can be leveraged to create competitive ventures that meet the aspirations of both the nation and the investor. The selections have only been made in sectors believed over time becoming competitive on a global basis. The program’s role is to facilitate development with the expectation that the private sector both in Saudi and internationally would drive progress.
Bulgarian Cluster Cross Sector and Technology Portal
При поддержке европейской программы PHARE была разработана Национальная Кластерная Стратегия Болгарии.
Turkey National Clustering Policy
The “Development of a National Clustering Policy” Project launched in March 2007 with financial support from the European Commission aims at making Turkey one of the few countries with a national clustering policy. Within the framework of this main objective, a strategy will be developed that will constitute the core of this policy. This will ensure the effective implementation of the clustering policy and the development of national administrative and institutional capacity in this regard. At the completion of the Project, in addition to a national strategy providing guidance on how to support business clusters, the necessary institutional capacity for implementing this strategy and improving the competitive capacity of the national economy will also be developed.
Мульти-Национальные Огранизации
TCI Network
TCI is the leading global network for practitioners, policy makers, researchers and business leaders working towards improving competitiveness in regions and clusters. TCI is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, with a global scope, open to members from all countries throughout the private, public and voluntary sector. Our member base currently consists of 1.700 leading practitioners from more than 98 countries. TCI organizational members include non-profit organizations, government agencies, or multilateral organizations dedicated to fostering economic development and interested in clusters, innovation systems and competitiveness issues.
European Cluster Observatory
The European Cluster Observatory provides a wide variety of data on clusters in Europe and is run by the Center for Strategy and Competitiveness at the Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden. The site includes a map of regional clusters based on 38 cluster categories in 259 NUTS 2 regions. It also lists regional private-public partnerships focused on cluster improvements.
Here you can find reports on national and regional cluster policies and programs and a cluster library that includes cluster cases and other cluster-related documents.
Europe INNOVA is an initiative of the European Commission’s Directorate General Enterprise and Industry which aspires to become the laboratory for the development and testing of new tools and instruments in support of innovation with the view to help innovative enterprises innovate faster and better. It brings together public and private innovation support providers such as innovation agencies, technology transfer offices, business incubators, financing intermediaries, cluster organisations and others.
CLOE – Clusters Linked Over Europe
CLOE is an informal alliance of more than 25 industry-driven clusters all around Europe that are united by a shared commitment to exchange information and support companies in finding the right contact person to guide within the clusters. CLOE started as an INTERREG III C project, helping seven regions to exchange experience and information about successfully managing and developing clusters. The City of Karlsruhe, whose Economic Development Department is still responsible for the CLOE alliance, was the project leader.
Clusters and Competitiveness Foundation
The Fundació Clusters i Competitivitat (Clusters and Competitiveness Foundation) is a non-profit, independent foundation, set-up to evaluate the competitiveness of regional economic clusters across the globe and to promote the use of clusters as an effective tool in the socio-economic development of regions throughout the world. The Foundation provides objective, independent reports assessing the strengths and weaknesses of clusters, the quality of local institutions affecting these cluster, and the trends in cluster performance over time. As more clusters are analysed over time, peer-to-peer comparison using statistical methods will become possible.
Консалтинговые Организации
Apex Cluster Development Services
Apex Cluster Development Services (ACDS) Private Ltd (CLUSTERCRAFT) is an Industrial and Artisan Cluster Development company. ACDS works in fields ranging from Information Communication Technology & Innovation to Regional Development, and from Business Competitiveness to Governance empowerment. ACDS centers primarily on strategic and management consultancy for the development of emerging and developing economies by using Cluster Development Approach. The focus of this work is on increasing business competitiveness and growth; increasing and improving public-private dialogue processes; developing mechanisms in the public and private sectors to increase their competitive advantage; boosting trade and investment opportunities; fostering institutional and organizational improvement; intensifying performance of small and micro-sized enterprises and expanding social development capabilities at the grass-root level in artisan clusters.
The Competitiveness Institute
Competitiveness is a boutique consultancy created in 1994 with a very clear purpose: partnering with governments to foster innovation and competitiveness of the firms in its territory. In these years Competitiveness has helped over 10,000 companies from very diverse sectors partnering with leading Regional Governments and Multilateral Organizations.