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Latest news about Ukrainian clusters for 11/2021

News Clusters 11/2021

This month we met with the founder of the IT cluster of Luhansk region Reactor, Nusrat Nuriev, and learned how a programmer from Baku managed to create an IT cluster in Lysychansk and the development of IT clusters in eastern Ukraine.


  • Reactor: rise of the IT cluster of Luhansk. –read
  • Ucluster’s new Telegram channel informs readers about the latest developments in the Ukrainian IT and startup ecosystems and trends in venture capital. –visit Telegram


  • The final conference of the APPAU project was held to discuss why clusters are the drivers of innovation and economic development of the regions. –read
  • The Ukrainian Tech Ecosystem Overview platform now includes educational content for  investors, educational institutions and R&D centers. –read
  • IT Cluster Donbass is developing cooperation programs for the implementation of educational and IT projects in 2022. –read post (ukr)
  • The first results of a study on industrial clusters were presented at the Zaporizhia Chamber of Commerce. -read
  • Which projects by the Lviv IT Cluster were the most successful in the last 10 years? -read